Sunday, October 11, 2009

Making a Come Back!

Maybe I will start to blog more now, because we finally decide to get the internet at home. I just have to figure out how to get my cute family pics from the camera to the computer to the blog. Wish me luck and hopefully you will be seeing more of us!!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Family Photo a.k.a. Fun Time

I am still learning how to blog and should have done Michael's baptism photo last so it would be the first picture you see. Any way we will continue. This is a family photo after Michael's baptism. It was suppose to a be a happy family photo. Instead it is a typical family photo with crying and grumpy kids and husband, who do not want to be there. When we arrived home from the baptism I told my children not to change their clothes, I wanted to take a picture. Within seconds Richard is downstairs tearing his church clothes off as fast as he can. Thad is in hot pursuit of the stripper, who comes up dressed put in tears. This is where Sarah take her cue and begins screaming at the top of her lungs. So I am franticly placing children next to me and screaming smile everyone just to get the torture over. So here is are lovely family photo, and a typical day in the life of the Engar's. (Sometimes I fill like I am running a three ring circus and the I am not in charge!!!!)

Michael's Baptism

Michael turned on May 16th and we had his baptism yesterday. This is a picture of Michael and his dad before the baptism. Michael asked his Grandma Engar to speak on baptism. She did a wonderful job explaining the baptismal covenants and how we wash away sin by partaking of th sacrament each week. Michael's friend Adam was also baptized and his cousin did a talk on the Holy Ghost and gave both boys present representing the gifts of the Holy Ghost. Such as a blanket to help comfort you, lipbalm to remind you to use appropriate words, a flashlight to guide you, bandaids to help repair mistakes or "ouches" you have made. Michael choose Book oof Mormon Stories as the closing hymn and Grandma Johnson gave a great closing pray. The baptism meet was great and the spirit was strong. We are so proud of Michael and the decisions he is making in his life. WE LOVE YOU MICHAEL!!!